
29 November 2012

How to Apply Sunscreen

apply sunscreen
Wondering how to apply sunscreen? You are not alone. There are very many articles out there with slightly differing information on how to apply sunscreen and reading all may leave you confused. Despite this, applying sunscreen the proper way is vital to providing the much needed protection against skin cancer, sunburns and premature aging (wrinkles and sagging skin). Dermatologists recommend the following tips to ensure maximum protection:
  1.  Before applying shake the bottle properly to ensure that all ingredients are evenly distributed in the sunscreen lotion.
  2. Apply30 minutes before going outdoors (some people recommend 15-20 minutes which is still okey). The main idea is to apply sunscreen prior to going out to give it time to be absorbed by the skin. Moreover, this way the sunscreen does not wash away easily due to sweating. Some people apply sunscreen when they leave the house such as when they get to the beach which is a wrong approach.
  3. Use sunscreen always-even when its cloudy. Some people only bother with sunscreen during summer and do not bother with it during winter. This is wrong as even on cloudy days UV rays still reach the earth's surface and so failure to use sunscreen during cloudy days may leave one vulnerable. If you spend your day near a glass window you should also apply sunscreen as ultraviolet rays pass through glass and can harm your skin.
  4. Apply liberally on your skin. Experts recommend a handful which is equivalent to an ounce. This is enough to cover the body of an average adult. You should rub it in until all the white is invisible.
  5. All body parts that are exposed should be covered with sunscreen. This includes the legs, ears. neck, hands and the face.
  6. Reapply after swimming or sweating heavily.
  7. Reapply every two hours even if you do not swim.

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